去年年底的样子,何登成写了一篇关于C/C++ volatile关键字的深度剖析blog()。全文深入分析了volatile关键字的三个特性。这里不想就已有内容再做一遍重复,而是再提供一些自己的看法,以完善对volatile的全面认识。
要全面回答这个问题,没那么容易。不过一个已经被很多人接受的结论已经有了,并且很具有权威性。这个结论来自于Linux kernel documention。
C programmers have often taken volatile to mean that the variable could be
changed outside of the current thread of execution; as a result, they aresometimes tempted to use it in kernel code when shared data structures arebeing used. In other words, they have been known to treat volatile typesas a sort of easy atomic variable, which they are not. The use of volatile inkernel code is almost never correct.
说明白点就是,在linux kernel这种大型并且复杂的系统编程项目里,不能使用volatile,除非能给出强有力的证据!所以我们的项目中,几乎可以肯定,根本没有使用的必要。
显然volatile不能解决这个问题,因为还存在编译器优化和CPU执行指令时的乱序情况(Out-of-Order Execution, OOE。不过上面这个例子在x86-based机器上不会发生OOE的情况,可以看了解x86-based CPU乱序的总结)。
- 数据一致性。保证每次读到的都是最新的数据,每次写都是基于最新的数据。
- 指令执行在某种程度上的顺序性。
Like volatile, the kernel primitives which make concurrent access to data
safe (spinlocks, mutexes, memory barriers, etc.) are designed to preventunwanted optimization.
回到何的文章,后面还介绍了为什么会有volatile这个关键字,这个关键字解决了什么问题。这里想补充说的是,volatile关键字并不是定义了一个和数据内容相关的属性;volatile关键字是定义了一个和数据访问相关的属性。从当初volatile被设计为用于MMIO(Memory Mapped IO)以及C/C++最初并不包含多线程的概念可以看出volatile并不是为了多线程而设计的。因此将volatile应用于多线程本身就不合适。
In C, it's "data" that is volatile, but that is insane. Dataisn't volatile - _accesses_ are volatile. So it may make sense to say
"make this particular _access_ be careful", but not "make all accesses tothis data use some random strategy".
UPDATE: 2014-1-22
这里再补充点Visual C++关于volatile关键字的特别之处。
Visual C++ 2005之后,volatile关键字和其他高级语言,比方说C#会比较接近。直接来看MSDN的描述:
Objects declared as volatile are not used in certain optimizations because their values can change at any time. The system always reads the current value of a volatile object at the point it is requested, even if a previous instruction asked for a value from the same object. Also, the value of the object is written immediately on assignment.
Also, when optimizing, the compiler must maintain ordering among references to volatile objects as well as references to other global objects. In particular,
- A write to a volatile object (volatile write) has Release semantics; a reference to a global or static object that occurs before a write to a volatile object in the instruction sequence will occur before that volatile write in the compiled binary.
- A read of a volatile object (volatile read) has Acquire semantics; a reference to a global or static object that occurs after a read of volatile memory in the instruction sequence will occur after that volatile read in the compiled binary.
This allows volatile objects to be used for memory locks and releases in multithreaded applications.
所以Visual C++ 2005后,volatile对象可以用作memory barrier。
当然,C++11标准后,情况又有了新的变化。在VC没有支持C++11标准前(VC2010及以前) ,对volatile关键字的描述中明确指明了volatile关键字是可以用于解决多线程数据访问的问题的:
The volatile keyword is a type qualifier used to declare that an object can be modified in the program by something such as the operating system, the hardware, or a concurrently executing thread.
A type qualifier that you can use to declare that an object can be modified in the program by the hardware.
the C++11 ISO Standard volatile keyword is different and is supported in Visual Studio when the compiler option is specified. (For ARM, it's specified by default). The volatile keyword in C++11 ISO Standard code is to be used only for hardware access; do not use it for inter-thread communication. For inter-thread communication, use mechanisms such as from the .
UPDATE: 2014-2-11
关于memory reordering,Jeff Preshing的值得深入阅读。特别是comments部分里罗列的一些资源。这些额外的链接讨论了一个非常有趣的问题,并且不同的人有不同的看法。有人认为该用volatile解决reordering问题。
extern int v;
void f(int set_v){ if (set_v) v = 1;}GCC 3.3.4 - 4.3.0带有O1优化的情况下,汇编码是:
pushl %ebp movl %esp, %ebp cmpl $0, 8(%ebp) movl $1, %eax cmove v, %eax ; load (maybe) movl %eax, v ; store (always) popl %ebp ret从汇编看,即使调用f(0),也会存在一次写v的动作。在多线程环境下,即便f(0)也要加锁(v在多线程下是共享数据)。